Build It!
Ages | Cost | Time |
14+ | Medium | Full day |
Sound is all around us. Whether you are listening to music, watching a movie, chatting with a friend, or sitting alone outside in a park, we are constantly surrounded by all sorts of different sounds. In fact, we are so used to sounds that it can come as a bit of a shock to be in complete silence.
People often spend lots of money on speakers, earphones, and music systems to get as much sound as possible. But what about the reverse? Are there times when we just need less sound? Can you think of times when it would be useful to make a room soundproof – to keep sound from getting in or out? This is the kind of problem an acoustic engineer works on.
Your challenge is to design and build a soundproof box, one that will keep as much sound as possible from getting out. When you have perfected your stealthy soundproof box, share your design with the world at #nextengineersdiy.
This is a great project to do with your teacher or a group of friends. However, you can also design and build on your own. The choice is yours whether you want to work in silence or not! Once you are done, share your design with your parent or teacher and talk about what you have discovered.
These are the things that your design should be able to do or the things that will help determine if your design is a success.
These are limitations on your design. These are the things you cannot do when designing or what your design should not be like.
You can use any materials you like so long as you do not spend more than US$20 (or its equivalent). Remember to get the permission and/or supervision of an adult before you use any tools or equipment.
Here are some materials and equipment that you might find useful.
Here are some resources you might find helpful to get you started.
Sound is a special kind of energy. Watch this video from PBS to learn how sound travels and how we hear it.
We learn a lot about our surroundings thanks to sound. But... what is it exactly? Find out more in this Crash Course Physics video.
Watch a basic, cheap build option for a soundproof box.
Wikipedia's article on soundproofing covers a variety of methods for reducing sound pressure between a source and a receiver.
DIY Perks explores the possibility of making DIY sound absorption panels on a budget.
Danny Hauger walks through how to make your own mini soundproof box for audio recording.
If you need more of a challenge, here are some ideas to take your design to next level.